What Are Your Top Work Goals Before 2023? Get It All Done With Our Productivity Tool

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Roadmapping From A to Z


September 27, 2023


Raffaele Colella

It seems like we barely started 2022, and 2023 is already around the corner. 3 more months to go! At work, do you have in mind what your goals are for the next 3 months? Let’s make the most of the last stretch of the year. 2022 still has a lot to offer.


First, think about everything you would like to get done within the next 3 months. For example: campaigns to launch, redesign your app’s interface, lower your conversion cost, network…List all the projects you’re working on, the upcoming ones, and tasks you would like to check off your list. Put everything down in one place. Sarah Jackson explained on Insider that “brain-dumping involves "dumping" all of the thoughts, worries, lingering questions, and to-dos in your head out onto paper or another medium, often with the goal of decluttering the mind or helping manage stress or anxiety.” She also said:

“I found it worked better than I thought it would, helping me start my day on the right foot, organized, and on top of the tasks ahead of me.“

To start your braindump, open your Mindmesh Desk and:

  1. Click on the plus icon to open a new note
  2. Write down your thoughts
  3. To edit your text, type / inside the card. You can add bullet points, images, files and more.

How to edit your texts:


Now, it’s time to prioritize your thoughts.  This article from Caitlin Bishop at WeWork Ideas talks about the importance of prioritizing, and says that

“By implementing prioritization strategies, you can drastically change the arc of your workday to really make the most of your time in the office—and at home.”

To prioritize your list, go to your Mindmesh Desk and create cards for the 5 most important items, those that can’t be left for the next year. To link them to cards, it’s easy:

  • Select the text you want to link to a card
  • Click on “Turn into Card’
  • Choose whether you want this new Card to stay in your inbox, go to your Today column, or somewhere else.

Giving context

Now, make sure you add context to each one of your tasks. This will help you reduce context-switch, and always stay in flow without losing focus. To contextualize your priorities, tag them and create boards for each task (you can even use something like RICE scoring). It’s simple:

  1. Go to your Mindmesh Desk
  2. Click on the little tag icon at the top of the card
  3. Add it to an existing tag or create a new tag for this item.
  4. The tags will appear on the bar at the left. Click on the tag to access its board! 


After you’ve categorized your tasks, you can block time for them! Simply click on the card and click on Block time in calendar. The non-urgent ones, you can snooze and be reminded when it’s time. 

Block time on your calendar

We hope our suggestions will help you make the most of 2022. No task should be left alone! Good luck 💪

Virginia, from Mindmesh


Roadmapping From A to Z


Roadmapping From A to Z


Roadmapping From A to Z

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Roadmapping From A to Z


Raffaele Colella

Mindmesh Co-founder and CEO

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