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What is a to-do list?

Definition: A to-do list is a list of items that need to be completed. The items on the list can range from simple activities like replying to an email, to more complex tasks like creating project briefs

The items on a to-do list are usually action-oriented, such as “Schedule a meet with the R&D team” or “Call back customer X.” Some lists include more abstract goals, such as “improve your time management skills” or “learn how to use a new software program.” 

By breaking down a complex goal into smaller, more manageable tasks, you can improve your productivity and reduce the amount of stress you experience.

Features of a good to-do list app

Good to-do list apps can be personalized according to the user’s needs, which is necessary for creating the most useful schedule. 

Here’s an example of what makes a good to-do list app:

  • Adding and organizing tasks is fast and easy

Mindmesh offers a variety of text-optimizing options when creating a to-do card:

  • They offer several ways to organize your tasks by sorting out due dates, making tags and sub-lists, and many more.

Completed tasks overview in Mindmesh.
  • They sync between every platform you use for work:

Mindmesh integrations

These apps also keep track of small details, such as the clean user interface, filtering tasks by dates in combination with your Google calendar,  etc.

Example of an effective to-do list 

Effective to-do list needs to have:

  • Set due date
  • Title and explanation of the task
  • Option to dismiss, snooze, or mark the task as done to track progress.
  • Options to link between the other platforms used for work.

This to-do card is effective for this one task: it shows the due date marked red, allows several options regarding calendar organization, and contains the most important information about managing that task.

Time blocking in Mindmesh.

This list allows the user to see all upcoming tasks, organized by due dates. In the right corner of the app, the user also has the option to view an entire week organized according to this list. 

How to create a to-do list in Mindmesh?

Mindmesh offers a suggestion for a new to-do list on the top of the screen, above all upcoming tasks.

By clicking on a + “New card” button, a window opens up where you’re asked for a title, body of the text, and due date. You can also just click on the + key on your keyboard.


Mindmesh makes creating to-do lists very simple. It suggests every step needed to get the most use out of Mindmesh. It’s fast, concise, and has a clean user interface. 

How do I separate personal and work to-do lists in Mindmesh?

You can separate tasks by adding tags to each task. Simply create “Personal” and “Work” tags.

Can I add more than one tag to my tasks in Mindmesh?

Yes, you can add multiple tags.

Can I organize my to-do list as Kanban in Mindmesh?

Yes — go to the Tag you want to organize and create “To do” “In progress,” “Done,” and other necessary columns. Then drag and drop tasks between them. 

Can I assign tasks and add them to my co-worker’s to-do list? 

Yes, you can assign tasks to your co-workers. Go to the “Assigned work” section and select the user to whom you want to assign tasks. 

You can view tasks assigned to you in the same section.

Common pitfalls of to-do lists and how to avoid them

  • Tasks on the lists don’t have set deadlines — By making weekly lists, it’s easier to follow the time frames of completing a task. Weekly lists allow clear revision of what has already been finished and what is next in line. 
  • Too many items on the list — More experienced project managers advise choosing the three most urgent tasks to do per day.
  • Creating a list for the same day — Make the list a day before or at the end of a work day for the next several days.
  • Mixed content of the lists — Make separate lists for everything. That helps you stay focused on one thing at a time.
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Article FAQs

How can I prioritize my to-do list?
Set the project goals for every more significant project, so you can see which tasks are the most important. Time block so you can visualize how much time you have to complete tasks rather than how many tasks there are.
What is project management to-do list software?
Project management consists of breaking down big work projects into smaller objectives based on budget, scope, and time frame in which they have to be done. There is software that allows this level of organization, which allows project management by offering the managers to make to-do lists synced with all other platforms they use for work.
What are the different methods of creating a to-do list?
Putting specific tasks directly in the Google calendar. This method looks more cluttered, so people tend to avoid it. Using task manager software. Mindmesh offers easy progress tracking compared to other to-do list software such as Todoist and Trello. Choosing and focusing on one to three most important daily tasks without using the software. Project managers can't rely on this method since they need a more rigid structure and progress tracking.
Should I have separate to-do list apps for work and personal tasks?
Numerous to-do list apps allow you to create separate folders for different types of tasks. Juggling between two apps isn’t as practical when one app can handle everything — especially if you have flexible working hours.

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